
Friday, January 30, 2009

A Mooney Marketing Tip - Coffee Mugs

I love my coffee. As a result, I get a LOT of mugs for Christmas, birthday, Valentine's Day... you name the occasion, and I'll get at least one new mug out of it. That's all fine and good, but I have a limited amount of cabinet space for all my mugs. And although I do appreciate the gift, sometimes I have to let some go.

So here's what I do:

Take a coffee mug and fill it with all sorts of items. Pencils, pens (especially ones with your logo), colorful paper clips, notepads, etc. make a good display. Or fill one with a beanie baby, balloons, a few pieces of candy, and voila! Your local dollar store or Hobby Lobby/Michaels has that cellophane wrap that you can wrap it in, attach a bow, and there ya go!

So the next time you have a book signing, give away a few (if my signing is for 2 hours, I give away a mug every half-hour or hour, depending on how many mugs I have.) Must be present to win. :)

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