
Friday, January 16, 2009

First Review for HEARTCRYSTAL!

After a near death experience with the Ombitra, married Guardians StarLight and Master Hunter set out on their honeymoon. Where do they go but Hunter’s home planet of Abernath. Why? Because Star needs the energy from Abernath’s sun to complete her healing and with Hunter’s family visiting Guardian Command, the newlyweds get some bonding time.

Of course things don’t go quite the way Hunter planned and outside life does its best to interfere. Hunter’s family eventually returns home putting an end to the "honeymoon."

While on a shopping expedition with Hunter’s mother, Star learns about the HeartCrystal. What she learns sends Star and Hunter on a quest to find their own HeartCrystal.

Linda Mooney has done a top notch job of world building. She has created this wonderful world of superheroes who are not cut from the usual cookie cutter mold. In spite of their careers, the Guardians come across just like regular people. They have the same trials and tribulations that we do. They just have special powers and abilities that help them triumph, usually. In some instances that can make the situation worse though.

Starting just after HeartFast ends, HeartCrystal gives us a couple who has made the ultimate sacrifice and now has to rebuild not just their personal life but their work relationships too. We are given a more intimate look into Hunter’s family and the inner workings of the Guardians. Throw in the start of a possible secondary romance, a little time travel and a history lesson on what may have led up to the HandFast coming into existence and you get a story that will make you laugh a little but mostly it will twist your heartstrings to pieces. You may want to keep a box of Kleenex nearby while reading this one.

Reviewed by Diane Mason
The Romance Studio

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