
Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Mooney Marketing Tip - Free Excerpts

It costs pennies per disk. All you need is time.
Buy CDs by the bulk, and use those white paper envelopes to put them in.
Hand them out at all book signings, in each book order you mail out, or send them to friends and fellow authors who are seeking freebies for giveaways!
Here's what you do:
Prepare an ad for each book.
Include a picture of the cover,
a direct BUY link (from your publisher's website, Fictionwise, ARe, wherever!),
ISBN number,
link to your website, MySpace, and YouTube (if you have a book trailer video),
EXCERPT (be sure to give a rating for the excerpt!).
Save as a MS Word file, or better yet, convert into a PDF file (you can find free PDF converting software on the internet.)
If you save every ad in one folder (mine is labeled PROMO DISK), then all you have to do is "drag and drop" the folder to burn on each disk.
I also found out that you can even drag and drop those .mpv files on the disk, too!

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