
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Giving Thanks - For Pets

We have a pug named Daisy, a cockatiel named Sweetie, and numerous fish. Daisy is a Daddy's Girl. She dotes on my hubby, but she comes to me when he gets too loud during a game on the TV, or when she's in the "doghouse".

I don't know what I'd do without pets in the house. I've grown up with one all my life (rat terrier named Tootsie, numerous parakeets, a chow mix named Sugar, our sweet brown Lab named Cocoa, Jake the mixed breed, a black cat named Fido, several cockatiels, Squeaky I and II (guinea pigs), Sam my red Dauschund I had for 16 years, and now Daisy.

Pets fill your life with unlimited joy and surprises.

Thank you, Lord, for the happiness and love given to us by all your creatures.

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