
Friday, September 12, 2008

Update on Ike

* Mandatory evacuation from Victoria and all coastal counties

* Schools have been cancelled until next week. (Whether or not they resume on Monday the 15th is still up in the air.)

* Landfall is predicted around Port Lavaca (30 min. from Victoria), but that is still dependent on that high pressure system in Louisiana.

The Mooneys are staying.


  1. Scary and exciting both. The heart of a hurricane could take characters into a vortex~ another time, another world, another dimension~ I always find violent storms a source of inspiration. That is, when I'm not changing my underwear...

  2. I always find violent storms a source of inspiration. That is, when I'm not changing my underwear...

    ROFLMAO! Good one, Ellen! Thank you! I needed that laugh! :D
