
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Coffee Time Romance Loves JOURNAL!

GAIL SMITH (Linda Mooney w/a)
ISBN# 97819346786952008
Tease Publishing
E-Book $2.99
38 pages
Paranormal/HorrorRating: 4 cups

Donna Prewalt is on the move from St. Louis back to Alabama. The journal tells the story of her life on the road as she tries to return to her family. Since the Big Bang has destroyed most human life, she is fighting to stay alive. Between the zombies and the hunters, she is constantly on the run.

Mitch is working with the hunters, trying to get rid of the zombies. He becomes responsible for helping Donna stay safe.
Since a meteor crashed to Earth, creating a world of horror for the few living people in it, Donna keeps a journal of her life as she tries to find out if her family is still alive.

This story contained such spine chilling descriptions that this reviewer’s imagination worked overtime. The author created a world of such horrific images jam packed into a wonderful story. The adventures of Donna and Mitch are realistically written so that at times it felt as if I were right there with them. While the ending was unexpected, I can say with certainty that this will not be the last book I read by Ms. Smith.


  1. I really enjoyed this and really hope to see more of the same. Superb characterisation and plot. The journal's author was thoroughly engaging and plucky.

    I thought the ending was brilliant!

  2. Thank you! On a side note, here's what else the reviewer had to say about it.

    "I have to say that this book made my skin crawl, but in a very good way! The descriptions of the zombies were... eww! I really enjoyed this book and am glad I had the opportunity to review it. Thank you so much!"

    And thank you, too, for the remark about the ending. I definitely wanted to make an "impression". LOL!

    I have a second horror novella coming out in Oct. with Tease entitled CODE 30. You're welcome to check out the blurb, excerpt, and trailer at my website. :D
