
Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mooney Does Movies: "Hairspray"

QUICK! If you have any of the premium channels, this movie is showing this month. Better yet, dance your butt to your nearest video store and rent it!

I loved the movie, but I'm NUTS over the music! So open your iTunes and buy the whole album. Now. Just be sure you get the movie soundtrack with Blonsky and Travolta.

This movie comes on the heels of the Broadway version. I have no idea why I never glomed onto it before now, but if ever you need a pick-me-up music-wise, this puppy will do it. :D

A brief synopsis: Tracy Turnblad (newcomer Nikki Blonsky) has a crush on Link (Zac Efron), a boy who appears on a daily teenage dance show called The Corny Collins Show. Link also attends the high school where Tracy goes. But Tracy doesn't believe she has a chance with him because she's very overweight.

To make this the Reader's Digest version: Link falls for Tracy. Tracy can dance her ample derriere off, and gets onto the Corny Collins show. Mom Travolta finally gets out of the house after a decade of seclusion, and "she" can dance the house down, too (natch - It's Travolta!)
There's more, but you'll have to watch the movie to see it. G!

Oh, and why a Travolta as the mother? That's the way it was done in the B-way version, too, with Harvey Fierstein reprising that role. (You probably best know him as the "I gotta call Mama" guy in the movie Independence Day, or as Robin Williams' make-up artist gay brother in Mrs. Doubtfire.) Trust me on this one - Travolta does good. So do all the cast members in this songfest.

I give both the movie and the soundtrack Full Moon ratings!

Now, go get the soundtrack! Then jack up the sound and relive the 60s!

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