
Friday, July 25, 2008

From Texas Authors of Romance Fiction, Please Welcome Emma Sanders

Emma Sanders is an author you need to make note of. This Texas gal is making waves with her two novels, and there's more on the way!

My life has always been grounded in books, ever since my mom introduced me to BRER RABBIT when I was two years old. I've dallied in writing since I could write until one day I decided to pursue it seriously. When I discovered mystery, romantic suspense became my passion. I tried my hand at short stories and may do it again, but for now I stick with my love of writing novels. I don't write as fast or as many books as I would like because of my full time job, but I would go crazy if I didn't write the stories in my head. I have two romantic suspense novels published and two more in the works, with plenty of ideas to keep me busy for eternity!

“…a terrific story of reunited lovers.” Heather, Romance Junkies

“…non-stop action from beginning to end…romantic suspense at its best.” Regina , Coffee Time Romance

“…filled with great imagination, storyline, and you can feel the heart of the story from grief, romance, to the suspense throughout each chapter.” Lena , Fallen Angel Reviews

“…a wonderfully romantic story that will keep you guessing until the very end!” Julie, Romance Reader at Heart

“..the right move for all fans of romantic suspense.” Heather, Romance Junkies

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