
Friday, July 18, 2008

From Texas Authors of Romance Fiction, Please Welcome Teri Thackston

Texan Teri Thackston loves the supernatural and paranormal. Her latest release FINAL WORDS is sure to become a best-seller!

A young medical examiner has a near-death experience, returning to life with the ability to communicate with the spirits of those she autopsies. The skeptical detective investigating her case fears she might be crazy but finds himself falling hard for her. When a serial killer enters her life, will the spirits help her identify him before he silences her forever?

Author: Teri Thackston (Website)
Review Date: 6/11/2008
ISBN: 9781419915246
E-Book Price: $6.99
Publisher: Cerridwen Press - (Website)
Genre(s): Paranormal
Score (1-5) Hearts: 4

When Emma St. Clair dies from a hit and run accident, she is brought back to life by a team of ER doctors and nurses. What transpired during those moments when she was clinically dead has put her life in complete chaos. As a medical examiner, she deals with death everyday and now it seems the dead are talking to her. She's afraid that she is mentally unstable and tries to hide the strange visits by the dead from everyone she knows. Why is this happening to her? What is she suppose to do with the information the dead is giving her that is chillingly leading her to a killer?

Detective Jason MacKenzie is dealing with the grief of loosing his sister and recently two of his friends by obsessively working on his cases which brings him to Emma's accident. He knows Emma is hiding something and is determined to find out what it is. Both of their lives become intertwined in the deadly web of events around them, and both are struggling with fragile emotions that an attraction between the two of them complicates. Can Emma give in to those building desires and still keep her secret? Can Jason let go of a past guilt and make room in his heart for Emma before a killer destroys both of their lives?

Final Words by Teri Thackston is a nail-biting thriller through the heart and soul of two people that are struggling with their own personal demons. As grizzly and otherworldly events bring them together, their emotions, and desires will melt your heart. This story grips the reader from the beginning and pulls you into the turmoil surrounding each character. You can feel the tension build with each page as it leads you to a breath-taking ending. Teri Thackston has penned an excellent book of paranormal, mystery and heart-warming romance that is hard to put down. This is the first novel I've read by this author and I would love to read more from her. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

~Reviewed by Susan, Night Owl Romance Reviews


  1. I looooooooove Teri's work. She's a mastermind and a tremendously gifted story teller.

    Well done Ms. Thackston! I'm not surprised at all. :)

  2. What a great write up on Teri. And I agree. She sure knows how to weave a plot together.

  3. I love, Teri. NOt only a superb writer but a real SWEETHEART. A fellow Texan TOO!

  4. Aw, gee, ya'll have me blushing. Thanks for the wonderful comments.

  5. Your theme gave me the shivers - good shivers - because the story is so unusual. I can't imagine where you are going with it but you will have readers turning those pages to find out. Congratulations on writing a superb paranormal romance.
