
Thursday, May 8, 2008

What’s Your Everyday Luxury?

A magazine I subscribe to just published this little poll.
"Every woman has her little daily indulgence. See some of our readers’ favorite everyday luxuries below. Did your make the list?"

A relaxing shower, bath, or facial - 9%
Indulgent bath and body care products - 33%
Scented products (perfume, candles, incense) - 40%
A good book, tea, coffee, or chocolate - 5%
Luxury? What’s that? - 13%
Now, I don’t know about everyone else, but I don’t consider my burning candles a luxury. It’s a necessity, considering I live with 2 grown men and a dog.
Ditto for the perfume. I teach Kindergarten (‘nuff said?)
As for bath and body care products, that’s also a necessity. Bar soap tends to melt at an alarming rate in my bathroom.
A relaxing shower? Yeah, right. Bath? Don’t make me laugh (watching me try to get up out of the tub is such a hilarious event, hubby has threatened to sell tickets to it!)
Facials? DAILY?
A good book? Again, a necessity, just so I can relax enough to fall asleep at night.
But I will admit I have my weaknesses. Snapple Red Teas and Starbuck’s Mocha Frappiccinnos, mostly.
I keep promising myself that if I ever win the lottery, I’m going to have someone come to my house every day and give me a foot massage. Hey, I can dream!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the Luxury? What's that? category.

    I can't count books. They are a necessity. None of the rest happens to me.
