
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Naked Blogging (or Sometimes Close To It!)

On one of my multitudinous email loops I saw this heading. I didn’t read the post, but the title was intriguing. It made me remember all the times I’ve sat in front of my computer with my jammies (or very little) on while I busily typed away at something.

So I’m wondering—am I the only person who’ll strip down to near nothing before getting to work? Of course, there’s just my hubby and I, and son # 2 who’s 21 and rarely at home. But I tend to favor huge, sloppy, well-worn t-shirts that have been washed so many times, they’re aged to silky softness. That, and a pair of panties. And that’s all. I’m comfy, air-conditioned (very important when you're having hot flashes!), and at least modest enough to pass immediate inspection.

Hubby thing is he has to be barefoot. I can’t count the number of times I’ve nearly tripped over those surfboards he calls sneakers that he leaves scattered about in whatever room he chucked them. Still-tied Nikes and smelly socks...our marriage has often been sorely tested.

Do you have a particular "uniform" you wear when you hit the computer? Or does it matter to you?



  1. I'm not as daring LOL
    I've got a 4 year old so I just wear something comfy...
    Debra Ann

  2. I'm fond of wearing my hubby's undershirts and a pair of fluffy slippers. The hubs is 6'5", so there is a degree of modesty involved ... a very small degree ;)


  3. I like running around in nothing but panties and one of my boyfriends dress type shirts, or just a t-shirt, he's really tall and I'm fairly short so it's not too indecent. However...I have been known to have an idea hit while in the shower and just grab a towel to wrap around me and head to the keyboard! :D

  4. I wear a chemise

    I used to be in the SCA, and my white chemise that I've had for 18 years is soft and comfy and still fits.
    It makes a great night-gown and bumming around dress for when my bra and jeans are in the washer.

  5. my white chemise that I've had for 18 years is soft and comfy

    Ooooh, I bet that feels nice! So in other words, for most of us, the less, the better? :D

    Linda, sitting now in her 3x shirt that fits like a tent

  6. I'm with Marie here, but (yikes) Iusually commando *blushes* (okay, I dared)! LMAO! I usually stay in pjs until noon, though. When the muse hits...I grab it, whether naked or not! *snickers*

  7. Sort of makes you glad you don't have one of those video cameras attached to the top of your monitor, doesn't it? (grin!)

  8. Well, I don't strip down to nearly nothing but I am a jammie girl! LOL

  9. No matter what the bra is the first thing to go when walking into my house. (Those who I let in the door are aware of that and have almost stopped snickering.) I think it is impossible to write with one as it definitely restricts the creative flow. So if it's warm, t-shirts for me too, panties optional. And when it's cold, writer pj's and slippers.
