
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A New Review For SIMOLIF!

Runner's Moon Book 3: Simolif
Linda Mooney
Fantasy erotic romance
Available from Whiskey Creek Press
ISBN: 978-1-60313-322-7
April 2008

The Runner’s Moon series tells the tale of fugitive aliens, who flee from a lifetime of slavery and cruelty to make a life for themselves here on Earth. This is Simolif’s story.

Simolif knew when his brother Jebaral found his life's mate. The blood lines in his arm had increased by one, and the sight of it had thrilled him giving him hope that he too could find someone who could accept him for what he was, and who would not scream in fright to see his true self. He never expected to find Professor Sarah Drumman. As an astronomer, she studies the skies. She has seen some thing suspicious that makes her believe there are creatures from another galaxy now walking the Earth. And she plans to prove her theory to the world. Though she may believe in aliens, can she love one?

Each book in this series weaves together, so for best enjoyment I would read them in order. However, they are so well written and so truly pleasurable that a reader would still love this book without having read the others. I found this story captivating and the characters enchanting. Simolif is the kind of ‘man’ we all enjoy ­ aware of his appeal and enjoys it thoroughly yet still loving and open-minded, the empathetic character we pull for and still with the manly ‘I-know-what’s-best’ mentality that we all find so amusing. And Sarah is such a unique heroine. I love that she already believes in life beyond this planet. This is not the romance that enthralls and engrosses but it is definitely the type that entertains and I’m looking forward to book four.

Overall rating: 4.5 hearts
Sensuality rating: Explicit

Reviewer: AMG
April 8, 2008

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