
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Email Reposted With Permission

Sent: 03/29 08:24 a.m.
Subject: Life Mate (!!)

You found her??? Ceo' m Filo! My heart is overjoyed to hear this news! Quick! Give me the details. Until they finish upgrading the new cellular tower over near Creasote Creek, my cell usage is severely limited. However, they assure us this will be over before the end of the week. Hannah is looking forward to no longer being forced to using a telephone booth or the pay phone over at the diner.

So you really found your life mate?? Tell me about her!! What is her name, or do you know yet? What does she look like? How do you hope to approach her?

Details, Simon! Details! Don’t keep me on pins and pencils! I want to know now! Hahaha!


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